Bottomless Pit

I continue to stand amazed at my daughter's daily appetite. I am not sure if her hunger is controlled by the moon or boredom, or just how much food we have in the house at any given time; but the best I can do is just shrug and smile.

Gracie's appetite is very peculiar. She will go for days and eat hardly anything at all, and then there are days she will eat like she is storing up for winter!

The past two days have been of the "storing" variety.

First, let me tell you what she normally eats. I call this normal, but the fact is she eats very little most of the time. At breakfast 2 waffles and syrup, a package of fruites for snack, if I am lucky I get her to eat some yogurt or applesauce, and then she has fruit of some kind (can of washed fruit cocktail, or grapes, or an apple). That's it. Most nights she takes a bite of dinner, and no more until her sugar-free chocolate milk at bedtime.

Now, let me tell you what she ate today! Scrambled eggs, about 15 HUGE grapes, 3/4 a bag of popcorn, a handful of potato chips, an apple, fruities, pasta for lunch, for dinner a large bowl of applesauce, two helpings of butter noodles, a few green beans, and a couple bites of chicken, another package of fruities, and her SF chocolate milk tonight!

All this eating means one thing...she is growing again! Time to head back to the stores. Gracie is now in a size 9 shoe. We bought her new shoes a week ago, at this rate we will have to get new ones next week!

By the way; all March pictures are now on Snapfish. See them here.

**The picture above is from yesterday when we took Gracie to IHOP for her favorite thing in the world: pancakes. She ate and ate at the restaurant and then most of the day afterward! (Yes, she practically cleaned her plate, except the bacon--daddy ate that, but she ate half of his eggs!) I gave birth to the Jolly Green Giant!***

1 Response to "Bottomless Pit"

  1. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Barbara, all I can think about after reading this is changing the diaper after she ate all that! I can only imagine...with all the grapes and applesauce! I hope Garren got that one.


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