She Did It, Again!

Gracie filled up her potty chart here at home!

We are very proud, and as promised she received her "potty prize." You can see her showing it off in the above picture. Hopefully it won't be too long before she is out of diapers for good--but we aren't holding our breath :)

If you want to know anything, and I mean anything, about the Baby Einstein company-- we are the people to ask. Baby Galileo (all about the planets & sky) brings us up to 10 videos. Other titles include; Baby Neptune (all about water), Baby Monet (seasons), Baby Noah (animals), Baby Bach (music), Baby Mozart (music), Baby Beethoven (music), Baby MacDonald (all about the farm), Meet The Orchestra, Baby Shakespeare (vocabulary). We have also seen (checked out from the library) Baby Wordsworth (words around the house); Neighborhood Animals (dog, cat, frog, etc); World Animals (wild animals); Numbers Nursery (learning numbers 1-5); Language Nursery (objects in 5 languages), and Baby DiVinci (body parts--definitely a winner!). Gracie's favorites are Baby Monet ("Zebra") and Baby MacDonald ("Cow"). As a parent I highly recommend any of the BE series. My favorite would have to be Baby Neptune though, the scenes of the water and beach are very calming. Next on our list will likely be "On The Go."

**For the record she does not have a dirty nose (I would never show a picture like that!) That is Neosporin that we have been putting on a nasty cut that she some how got right underneath her nostril. **

1 Response to "She Did It, Again!"

  1. Anonymous11:28 AM

    YEAAAAAAHHHHHHHH GRACIE !!!!!! Grandpa and I are soooo proud of you! We knew you could do it ! Have fun watching your new Baby Einstein video. We love you lots! Hope to see you soon. Hugs and kisses


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