Try Try Again!

I know that this doesn't appear to be the best idea in the world--but I needed a creative solution to our potty problem.

Last night, Garren and I bought Gracie a new potty chair; partly because we left the other one in Lynchburg by accident, partly because the other one was so uncomfortable for Gracie it left deep red marks on her hind end.

The new "Royal Potty" is really cute. It has different "royal" sounds for when your child sits on the potty and it has a sensor and makes a trumpeting song when your child goes piddle in the potty. It came with a potty chart and reusable stickers, so Gracie was very impressed.

Before we had Gracie sit for nearly a half hour at times on her potty reading tons and tons of books without much success. I think one of Gracie's main problems is she is too active. She doesn't want to take the time to stop playing to sit and try to go.

A month or so ago we checked out a Little Critter book from the library where Little Critter's sister gets potty trained. In the story the mom let the little girl sit on it in the livingroom to watch TV, she put in her room so she could sit and play, etc. Well, I think it is a wonderful idea! This morning (as you can see), we let Gracie sit on the potty while watching one of her morning shows. She sat there and read books, watched tv, and drank juice for at least 20 minutes! So far no luck with piddles, but we continued to sit on it at various times through out the morning. (by the way when she got up to play I stopped her to pull up her Clifford training pants!) I know you may think that it is gross, especially since we have carpet--but sometimes you have to get a little creative to help your child pass to the next level. Plus, we are in the privacy of our own home, and hey: if it works, it works!

Added bonus for parents: you don't have to keep picking your child up to see if they have done anything--it tells you!! :) So far the Royal Potty seems like a good bet. We picked it up at Walmart for $19.99, and it's Fisher-Price, you can't go wrong with them! Fisher-Price also has another potty in their catalog I just got, that says phrases to your child like: "good job,""way to go," etc. It looks like a big person's potty with a plastic toilet paper roll and everything. It will run you $30.00.

1 Response to "Try Try Again!"

  1. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Hey, if it gets you out of buying and changing diapers...I say yippee skippee! Go for it! I wouldn't try this in the living room with a boy though! Good luck!


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