I See You!

Gracie asked me yesterday evening to help her make binoculars. I had seen this craft and wanted to do it with her, we just hadn't gotten a chance. So, I put dinner on hold, pulled the last 3 paper towels off the roll and made her a set of binoculars. They were so cute, and she is proud as pie of them.

I added some ribbon so she could keep them around her neck. She spied everything in sight, and some not all of us could see.

This morning she colored them a little more and added some Franklin stickers. They have been around her neck so far all morning.

This is a simple craft and you can do it with your child.

You need either one paper towel roll cut in half, or 2 toilet paper rolls. Tape the rolls together. (you could use glue, but I suggest hot glue because they are heavier than you think and the kids won't want to wait until they dry!) Use a hole punch to make holes on the outside of each roll and add yard or string or ribbon to make the binoculars portable. Voila!

1 Response to "I See You!"

  1. Anonymous3:25 AM

    I love your new binoculars Gracie, you did a great job with them!!


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