End Of Session One

Tonight was the final class of session one at Tumble Tots. I thought maybe there would be a little more hoopla, like the kids getting a certificate or something, but they just had them work on the mats. They didn't even get out the parachute. Gracie was a little bummed about the parachute, but it didn't bother her that there was no hoopla--after all she gets to go to the second session (And the third and fourth after I sign her up).

Like I said they stayed on the mats this time. They focused on all of their rolls, and jumps, etc. This seemed to work well because Gracie got some much needed practice.

And, no tears today! She actually did the whole class without me. Well, I stepped in a few times like when she broke in front of the line. She wasn't aware, and all the other kids do it through out the session, but I want Gracie to learn to take turns. And, when the teachers were getting stressed, I stepped in and helped her with her forward rolls. She didn't even cry when we left this time--whew!

Tumble Tots has been a big success, and I think it is wonderful for Gracie to interact with the other kids. Plus, I like sharing something with her. Until this class, I did everything with her. But today, all of the parents sat back, and it was a good thing since the teachers had their undivided attention, and they were being active. Gracie even participated instead of clinging to my legs for the warm ups. So, maybe sitting back was a good thing for us too.

1 Response to "End Of Session One"

  1. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Gracie, It looks like you are having so much fun at Tumble Tots. You are very good at rolling. Maybe you will get to use the parachute again soon. Keep having fun! Love you!


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