Exciting Preschool Day

Gracie had plenty of fun today in preschool, so much fun in fact she couldn't wait to tell me all about it.

They had cheese balls for snack. Whenever this is the snack of the day, it is the first thing she tells me. They sang Frosty The Snowman, I'm A Little Tea Pot, and Itsy Bitsy Snowflake today.

The highlight of the day was playing with peppermint play dough. I will have to look this up online and see if we can make it. The room smelt so yummy.

Gracie told me about playing "Pass The Present." She passed the present to Reagan. They got to peek inside the present. She said it had Christmas erasers.

She played Lincoln Logs with Jackie and colored two pictures. I think that was about it. I think the reason she was so excited when I picked her up was because I asked Ms. Stephanie if Garren could have a picture taken of the kids for a preschool story on Thursday. She said it was fine and told all of the kids Gracie's daddy would be here on Thursday to take a picture of their class for the paper. Thursday is also their Christmas party, so I will be sure to let you know how it goes!

On the less exciting side of her day, we got another one of those exposure papers. This time it's pink eye. According the sheet a child should show symptoms within 24 hours of being exposed. Apparently which ever child had it, had it on Thursday, and since this is 5 days later--I would say we are in the clear.

**Don't you love the dress! Someone made it and I bought it for $2.50 at the kids second hand store here in town! I forgot my camera when I went to pick her up from school, so I snapped this one when we got back**

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