
It is super cold out there today! In fact, I am surprised we got snow. Have you ever heard the expression "too cold to snow?" Well, if ever there was a day--it is today.

Gracie braved the cold and had a warm fun day at school. She told me she and Kendall played blocks, they had cheeseballs for snack, and the story was about letters.

For craft time today she made a Valentine bag to collect her valentines at Thursday's party. We will have to work on those this afternoon, maybe after nap.

We didn't go straight home from school today. Daddy met us at the church and we voted in today's primary. You know our family motto "The family that votes together, makes Daddy happy!"

Gracie pushed the screen button with daddy on our town's only electronic machine. Despite our town's very small size, we actually had to wait in line. We were told they were short on volunteers and had to check each voter off on both the Republican and Democratic rolls. We actually waited 20 minutes, but the other people in line got a kick out of chatty Gracie. Whew, what a little chatter box!

We are home and warm now. And, Gracie has another birthday party invitation. This one is for Jackie, and its at The Little Gym. Hers is the Saturday before Gracie's birthday.

I know Gracie will have a blast at both parties, but secretly I am hoping there won't be a whole lot more. I am not inviting kids to Gracie's party and I don't want her to feel left out. Our apartment (and wallet) is just too small. When she gets bigger we will branch out more.

Oh, and I snapped a picture of the window display at the school. You can see Gracie's; hers is the one colored blue and green! Don't ask me. Click on the picture to blow it up.

1 Response to "Brrrr!"

  1. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I am very glad you voted today. Matt & I will be watching CNN tonight to see who is the winner in your state. :)


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