My Sweetheart

Gracie had another heart-filled day at preschool today. She told me they made candy hearts. I saw the very gooey covered pink construction paper hearts laying out to dry. I thought to myself--better here than my house! It looked like they drizzled chocolate syrup on them.

Snack today was animal crackers, and Ms. Stephanie read Franklin's Valentines.

They played a very cute game called Hearts A Flutter. Gracie told me they used a sheet to send paper hearts flying. She got to bring one of those hearts home. These teachers are so creative!

I signed up for treats for the V-Day party next Thursday. I am bringing in ice cream sandwiches and valentines sprinkles to dip them in. Cute idea I think. Candice led me to the idea. She mentioned that she bought her kids ice cream in the cafeteria for one of the parties. I thought ice cream would be super fun. I figure the sandwiches can be cut in half or even thirds since they will have so many other goodies. And ice cream with sprinkles is just more fun!

Back to today; Gracie said she Kendall played with blocks today. Kendall apparently is the one little kid that she will play with. I wonder why she associates more with a boy than a girl? I only ask, because she only really been around girls: Mallory, Leelou, Mariah, Shyla, etc. Maybe he is shy like she is? It doesn't bother me, I am just curious. I mean she talks about the other girls when I pick her up, but this little boy (as far as I know) is the only one she really plays with. Hmmm.

1 Response to "My Sweetheart"

  1. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Gracie, I'm sure that your Valentine's Day party will be lots of fun at school next week. I decided to get Papa John's pizza for my students this year. I let them vote, and pizza won!


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