Daddy Up To Bat

I would love to tell you what happened here in the Shipley house yesterday, but I have no idea. I have had a bad tooth for several months now, and my obstinate demeanor finally caved to severe pain, and I went to the dentist today.

I in fact have an abscessed tooth, and the very nice (and very handsome) dentist put me on antibiotics and pain medication. I am not exactly a light-weight, but when it comes to taking medication--I don't. I am not against it, I am just stubborn. I am so much like my hard headed father, it isn't even funny. I will have a headache for days before I finally take a Tylenol. So, you can imagine what happened when I took a pain pill. I don't remember the rest of the day.

We are so blessed to have our wonderful neighbors. Mallory was able to come over and watch Gracie so I could go to the dentist, and Garren wouldn't miss his press conference. This was the first time we have ever left her with a "babysitter," and things went super smooth. Gracie was thrilled to have Mallory over to play with her, and Colette said she didn't mention us one time. I will feel hurt later ;)

In the meantime, Daddy has taken over the coveted "Primary Care Giver" duties. Yesterday afternoon when I was in so much pain, he took her to the playground for over an hour and even brought home subs to feed us. Today, while writing two stories from home and having a passed out wife in the bedroom, he managed to keep up with our very active 4 year old.

I guess I don't let Daddy prove himself very often, but I am so glad he can handle the task when called upon. Kudos and star stickers for Daddy!

**Above: Daddy puts Gracie to bed and gives her hugs and kisses. Isn't this a precious picture!!!****

1 Response to "Daddy Up To Bat"

  1. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Way to go Garren! You are a great Daddy, and Gracie is very lucky to have you. I wish I were there to help you all out. Hang in there you two.


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