Beauty School Drop Out

Well, not exactly, but she got an adorable Disney princess make-up set in the 50 cent grab bag she picked out from the thrift store today.

I made sure everything was washed first--but she has been giving everyone beauty make overs this evening--even daddy.

It has a little nail polish bottle that opens, pretend pink and blue eye shadow (which she is using like blush), what she is calling lotion, a mirror and a comb. She has kept herself busy for hours, and her "friends" look simply gorgeous!

She is so content and happy with this little set. I am not sure why on earth she is interested in make up and beauty, other than the fact she is a girl. Because, mommy sure isn't. I never have been a girly girl. I wear make up to church and on special occasions, but that's it. I have a feeling though my daughter will be spending many hours in the bathroom when she gets a little older.

2 Responses to "Beauty School Drop Out"

  1. Anonymous9:44 PM

    "Beauty school dropout...go back to high school..." I love that movie. Do they still make Tinkerbell cosmetics for little girls? I used to love that stuff. Sounds like Gracie would too. The nail polish just kind of peels off, so there's no mess with polish remover.

  2. I am still looking for more pretend makeup, but without much success. I don't think Tinkerbell cosmetics still exists, but even if it did I am not ready for her to wear real makeup. Even if I was, poor thing has my skin and everything breaks her out--so she couldn't wear it anyway. I wonder if that excuse will work until she's 18?! ;)


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