Merry Christmas At School

I love it when I get to help out at school. It is so cheesy, but getting those brief glimpses in to what my daughter does when I am not around is a rare treat. And, since this is her last year in preschool, I doubt I will have many more opportunities to be apart of her school world.

But enough of that!!

I got to help out for the kids Christmas "party." Which, is basically snacks--but they have a good time. As usual there was a ton of food--most of it very sugary! I brought in cheese, but I think that and Jello were the only less hyperactive foods on those kids plates. But, there was so much most of the kids didn't eat it all, and even Gracie wasn't the last to leave the table as usual.

I helped with cupcake wrappers and filling up drinks. I know, so simple, yet I was loving every minute. And, then one of the kids asked why I brought my camera. I told him "I love to take pictures. Does your mommy take lots of pictures of you?" The answer was an eye rolling "yes" which made me grin. Then everyone at the table wanted me to take their picture and then see it on the screen. This got silly as they each tried to out do each other.

After snack they played and Gracie asked her teacher to turn on the Christmas music. This lead to Gracie dancing with a number of little friends.

When everyone was done I helped clean up and the kids played for a while before gathering in a circle to get jingle bells and sing Christmas songs. The kids really got into this.

The kids brought home their presents for the parents, and a goodie bag filled with treats. As for Gracie "she" brought in candy cane mice for the kids, and peppermint sticks for the teachers.

We all bundled up our favorite tykes and rushed to cars as it is 26 degrees here, and that wind is so icy I think my face may freeze at any point. It's not supposed to warm up either--so, I think we will just stay in and stay warm.

2 Responses to "Merry Christmas At School"

  1. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Yeah, it's really cold here too. We had windchills below zero this morning (according to WJHL's Rob Williams). It's 1:00 in the afternoon, and it's finally hit 20 degrees! It's bitter. It looks like Gracie had a great party. I'm guessing the kid that asked you about the camera is the same kid whose mom complained!

  2. Anonymous9:27 PM

    I'm glad you enjoyed the party...I miss those days. You guys are tropical compared to us. The actual temperature this morning was -10, with windchills around -40. Already a foot of snow on the ground, and 6 to 8 more inches coming tomorrow. I HATE ILLINOIS, lol!


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