It's Not All That Bad

While I am glad that my adventures in motherhood is good for free birth control to my best friend Candice, life here is not all that bad. While she is currently disgusted at the idea of spit up and crying and diapers, etc Candice (a 4th grade teacher) would make an awesome mommy.

But, I am not going to shade the truth..take a look! ;)

The Good

The Bad

And the Ugly!

Hmm, better not share any of the "ugly" or Joe & Gail will never get any more grandkids :)

Even though he screams I know you want to see him and hold him--still wishing you lived closer!!!!

1 Response to "It's Not All That Bad"

  1. Candice1:59 PM

    Ha...notice the good lasted 18 seconds!!! The bad was longer, and I don't want to know how long the ugly is. My parents actually don't want anymore grandkids. So, I'm safe!!! I'll just keep babying my dog, and I think she likes it.


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