Gracie's First War Wounds

What a day!

For starters we had a rocky morning this morning when mommy apparently feel asleep while feeding Thomas at 6:30 this morning. I turned off the alarm clock after getting his bottle so he would maybe sleep while I got Gracie ready for school. I must have dozed off because I looked up and found him asleep in my arm, the bottle on the bed, and the clock shining "7:14!"

I rolled Thomas over, got Gracie up and we scrambled to get her ready. I knew I would have to drive her to school this morning. So, after getting the three of us ready, a lunch packed, and Thomas bundled up we headed to school in a slight rain.

I dropped Gracie off at the designated spot in the line and she waved to me goodbye and headed inside.

I brought Thomas home and I started to get things ready for our bi-weekly trip to the Walmart for groceries. I couldn't have been home 10-15 minutes when the phone rings. "This is xxx from Sandy Hook Elementary School." At this point my heart stops. The lady goes on to tell me Gracie fell on her way into school. She speaks firmly and calmly and tells me she is a trooper and is fine. There doesn't seem to be any swelling and she wants to go back to class. She tells me she will let Gracie talk to me.

Mommy: "Gracie, did you fall honey?"

Gracie: "yea."

Mommy: "Are you okay?

Gracie: "yea."

Mommy: "Do you feel well enough to go back to class?"

Gracie: "yea."

Mommy: "Okay, don't forget you wanted to buy milk today."

Gracie: "yea."

Mommy: "Okay sweetie, have a good day, I love you!"

Gracie: "Love you, bye."

The nurse gets back on the phone to tell me that she will be sending a note home. I thank her and hang up. Then I ball like a little girl.

My child is fine. But, I am crying like she was hit by a car.

I think it was because I wasn't there to comfort her. I wasn't the one who helped her up and bandaged her owie.

I calmed down and talked myself out of staying home all day "just in case she needed me and had to call."

I gathered myself, got Thomas, and went to the store.

I forgot many things on my list. Clearly my mind was quite scattered.

It wasn't until she got off the bus that I saw just how bad it was. The nurse made it sound like a little scrape. Her poor face was scratched up in several places.

I didn't let her see the reaction I was feeling and gave her extra hugs and kisses.

I also promised her ice cream.

Now, as you look at the picture I snuck tonight (because she is embarrassed. I had her pose with her new DVD she earned for dry nights)--you will see a large and very deep scratch on her cheek. The pavement didn't do that. Thomas did!

I didn't see it happen, but I think it was an accident. He must have a super sharp nail or one that has broken a little.

Poor Gracie. She has had a bad day.

Tonight after her shower I gave her some Tylenol as she was starting to get sore, and I put a lot of ointment on all of her owies.

I have a feeling her scratches are going to last for several days.

Her first official war wound from school.

**The lower picture she let me take of her knee, she asked me to show it to Grandma. Gotta love the pouty look on her face! ***

3 Responses to "Gracie's First War Wounds"

  1. Gracie, I'm so sorry yo got an owie. Mamaw wishes she could be there to give you a kiss. I love you sweetheart!

  2. Grandma11:58 AM

    My poor Gracie!! :0
    Tell Mama to give you extra hugs and kisses from me - until I see you again. When you come here, of course I will have to give you more. I am sure you will need more ice cream by the time you get here too :) I hope your owies will be better soon. Love you bunches !!!

  3. awww:-( what a trooper! hope she is on the mend!!


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