First Day Of First Grade

When I started Kindergarten
I was very very small
I have grown much bigger now

Can't you see how tall?
I learned to write my name and
to write my ABCs
Oh I am growing up
We are going off to First Grade

Well she is off.

And for those of you keeping score: this is the second first day of school that I have cried walking back to the house.

She just looked so small, and I kept worrying that she wouldn't be able to find her classroom. We only did that once you know!

I quizzed her lightly this morning.

"What is your teacher's name?"

"Miss. Anderson!" (high-5!)

"What do you go through first to get to your room?"

"The office!" (high -5!)

"What's after the office?"

"The stairs!" (high-5!)

"What letter do we look for?"

"D!" (high-5)

This school is so new to her...well to all of us!

She has to go through a main entrance and back outside. Then up a flight of stairs (outside). Her classroom is the first hall after those steps, and you go back inside 2 big red doors to get to it. Then she is room #D4.

This school is like a motel or something, everything is accessible from the outside. Or kind of like a college campus.

Just so scary and confusing looking!!

But, I know there will be people to help guide her.

And, just to be sure, I tied a tag to her backpack that said:

"My name is Gracie Shipley. I am new to this school. I need to be in Miss. Anderson's first grade classroom D-4. I ride bus #28."

Thankfully she is too young to be embarrassed by something like this. And, if she gets flustered and can't remember where she is going or her teachers name, or she gets choked up asking for help, she can show a teacher or an adult the tag.

Now, time to spend quality time with Thomas...breathe...and count down the minutes until my baby gets off the bus.

Man, I am going to be a mess when she goes to college!!!!

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