Girly...Or Not?!

I got so tickled at watching the comments pile up on my Facebook page, that I just had to share this one on the blog.

I pulled out this one piece dressy overalls set with a train on it for Thomas to wear to Story Time this morning.

It was an 18 months, and I knew it would be snug, but since it was supposed to be cooler today, I thought I might have a chance to put him in it at least once before I had to box it up.

Well, Garren doesn't usually comment about the kids clothes that I put them in (although, I get more comments about Thomas' apparel that I ever did with Gracie), but he was none to happy with this ensemble.

I thought he looked adorable. Garren thought it made him look like a girl. But, the outfit was on and we headed to story time anyway (of course to be honest, I don't usually change their clothes anyway, picking out their clothes is one of the funniest parts of being the mommy).

So later I posted a picture of Thomas in said outfit and made a joke about it, and seriously wondered about the outfit (again, not that it mattered, I still think he looked adorable!)

9 people commented. Of those, 8 were mothers. Of those moms, 6 are moms to at least one boy. 5.5 (1 hinted, but didn't come right out and say "girly") of the responses took Garren's side! I have to say I was shocked, but amused.

So, now you can see and decide for yourself. Not that it matters, he wore it, looked adorable and I took his picture. Because, I am the mommy! :) Of course his ridiculously long hair may contribute to the girly look quite a bit. I plan to take him for his first real haircut this week/end. Laura, who lives here in the Richmond area told me about the place she took her son for his first cut. It is so cute with little cars to sit in and the whole nine yards!

1 Response to "Girly...Or Not?!"

  1. Grandma9:24 AM

    Mommy, please don't have too much cut off :(


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