Gum Drop The Elf: Day 7

by: Gracie.

Today Gum Drop made snow men out of marsh mellwllows.He had a small sharpie in his hand and i,m suprisd becase there were lots of other colers like blue and oringeand also he dident have tooth piks when he yosd them.I think Gum Drop is cute and some times he,s funny but he allways has good addventes.Well thats today,s addventer and check out the other Gum Drop addventers.

1 Response to "Gum Drop The Elf: Day 7"

  1. Grandma7:32 AM

    Yes, once again Gum Drop shows talent. Making marshmallow snowmen with no toothpicks? Wow. I wonder if Gum Drop wanted a snack and found the pantry. Gum Drop is funny too. Thank you again for writing about the adventures of Gum Drop. I really like reading them.


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