One Week

I think I should get a badge or something...but we made it a full week...cast and all!

I have been chronicling the days of the cast with pictures on Facebook (yes, ma, I know): so I thought I would share the link here so you can see the day to day ways that he and I are both coping with that monstrosity.

*He is able to get around rather well, and when he wants to: rather swiftly.

*Pottying is still a nightmare, but we manage.

*He gets baths in the kitchen sink. Well, more like scrub downs.

*The cast wraps are helping, but that sucker is still gross!  And, he is starting to pull at it, and it is weak in the toe. It is just a small section, so I don't think it will hinder his healing, and if the cast starts to break apart worse, we will take him back in.

I thank you all for the well wishes for Thomas and myself--I have truly needed it.

Click here to see the album.

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