A Little Advice From A Friend

You may know that on my 36 before 36 list was to "listen to Jill."

In many ways Jill and I (who have gone to school together since elementary--she's a year older) are a lot alike, and then there are just as many where we are nothing a like. She is out going and "cool" and laid back and she doesn't sweat the small stuff. She loves to laugh and poke fun at my...well...uptight outlook on life.

Now, there have been many who have had no problem poking fun at me, usually in a nasty "I know better than you" kind of way. But, Jill, has this amazing way of pointing out that life is worth living and not spending it worrying away or hiding myself or children. And, she can do it with a smile on her face, a chuckle, and all the while not making me feel one little bit bad about myself. She is one of those people that whether she means to or not--she lifts you up while making you take a long hard laugh at yourself.

So, I have come to embrace her opinions, and she is not one to hold her tongue--so she has plenty.  But, they are more often than not, things I need to hear.

With such a wealth of knowledge being an email away from me, I couldn't help include her in my steps to a great end to 35. 

As I mentioned, she doesn't hold her tongue, so when I asked her via email to send me a piece of advice to to use a foundation for my 36th year, she (briefly) clammed up! I couldn't help but chuckle as she floundered at the idea.  Of course, less than a few hours later, she not only had a piece of advice, she had several and she wrote them all down on her blog for me.

I encourage you to read the words of wisdom she has for me, all of them good--as usual.  And, all of them I struggle with and hope to tackle and survive win.

Click here to read Jill's blog post written JUST FOR ME :)

2 Responses to "A Little Advice From A Friend"

  1. aw :) I love this! thanks so much for including me in your list!

    I think you are awesome... and this year is gonna rock for you!

  2. I like her advice! I struggle with some of the same things, Barbara.


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