Tooney The Turtle

This is Tooney.

He is a (box) turtle.

He wandered in to our yard this very hot afternoon.

When Thomas found him he immediately wanted to name him Tooney.  He also wanted to keep him.

Mommy told Thomas that if Tooney was still in our yard when we came back from our quick errand we would give him water and lettuce.

But, Tooney is fast for a little turtle.

He went back to his home before we could visit with him again.

We looked and looked all around the yard as the storm clouds got darker and darker.

But, we couldn't find Tooney.

Only a baby bunny.

We hope Tooney made it home before the rain, and we hope that he is having a happy evening eating grass or lettuce.

The End.

1 Response to "Tooney The Turtle"

  1. You've gotta get those kids a pet! Goats are the easiest...I promise!


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