Holes In The Ears

Daddy had told Gracie last week that she is finally old enough and has shown enough responsibility (i.e. significant improvement) in chores and personal hygiene since we discussed the possibility before summer--to get her ears pierced.

Mommy thought she should wait until she was 20.  Clearly daddy wins parenting.

But, since I drove her to the mall, helped her pick them out, and let her do all this while we were in Lynchburg so Grandma could go--I come in a close 2nd.   You know, somewhere behind Daddy, Grandma and Grandpa.

She was super excited---and super nervous--but she followed through and loves the end the result.  I took enough pictures to show you the step by step process, and I was even awesome enough to FaceTime daddy while in the Lynchburg Claire's store so he could be a witness to the girly excitement he allowed to happen.

She took Lamb-B with her, and she choose silver star studs. She can take them out in 6 weeks, and she has Frozen earnings and hearts to replace these when she finally gets a chance to change them up. (Gotta love Grandma who spoiled her rotten on this trip. I basically just drove and took pictures!)

 She is one happy, excited 10 year old with fresh holes in her ears! :)

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