4 Month Check Up

Well, a week later than originally scheduled, and 2+ weeks later than it should have been in the first place--but he has been weighed, measured and found lovable.

This doctor was loving all his smiles and cheery disposition.

Our chunk weighed in at almost 19 pounds, which remains in the 90th percentile for his age. His height was 26 inches (60th percentile), and his head (like all the other Shipley children was nearly off the charts in the 99th percentile).

He is a bouncy healthy baby boy and he looks good. We do have a follow up for a "boy problem," but there is nothing to be concerned about at this time.

Tobias received 4 shots and an oral vaccine, after which he showed that he *can* cry, and then he passed out for the ride home.

He may be a chunk that is far too quickly growing up and outgrowing clothes, but this mama loves every ounce!

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