Thomas Goes To Work

After a hard week of work! Look at his time card! 💚

Edit: I probably should have explained that my father (grandpa) has named each of my children moments after their birth regardless of the name I give them and that is the only thing he will call them. Gracie is "Princess" Thomas is "Tank" and Tobias is "Probie." And that's what they respond to at his house! :)

This boy! What a week! So thankful that men on the job helped this mama out with pictures during the day!

Day 4 on the job and he is still loving every minute! He's super excited to help pour concrete tomorrow.

That boy is in pure heaven!!

Dropped my big boy off at work for the second day working with Grandpa. He has been so excited to get to this week. Grandpa told him he would be in charge. He has his hat and shirt & lunchbox!!!

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