Signs Of Spring

Well, you definitely can't tell by the temperature here today that it is already spring--but it is. We had such a warm trip to Lynchburg for the Easter weekend, and as soon as it was over, snow reared it's cold facade.

It's not snowing today, but it is very chilly out here. But, spring is springing in Gracie's preschool room. The kids planted seeds today and will watch them grow. I think the seeds were "surprise" seeds, as Gracie didn't know what she planted. When I asked her what would grow from her seed she said "You never know! We will have to watch and see!" It is really weird to hear all of my phrases come out of her mouth!!!! :)

Gracie was dressed for spring planting today. She wore the prettiest dress that Grandma made for her (although I get credit for picking out the material the last time I was in, and I made a matching bow). I love this one, she looked so sunny.

The teachers read a bird book and the snack was cheese balls. They sang some songs, but she can't remember which ones. I think she had a pretty good day, and it got a even better.

I stopped at the thrift store here in town after my workout and before I picked her up. They had the cutest Little Tikes grocery store outside for sale. I know we don't have much room--but this was so unique and I knew we would have hours of fun. And we have!!! This little set has made a great addition to our home, and it helps display all of her neat wooden play food.

So, it has been a great cool spring day--I hope it gets warmer this week and we can get outside some more!

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