4 Month Check Up

And before everyone floods the comment section telling me not to worry--I will ALWAYS worry about children's weight. I will NOT let them go through what I did, and what I continue to go through. I will spare them the label of obese at any cost. Well, not any cost, I don't plan to raise kids who are terrified of food either. I think you know what I mean.
While I wasn't super surprised about his weight, the sudden stretch length-wise was making more sense. I couldn't figure out why I was putting on 3-6 month clothes and they didn't fit. Gracie skipped sizes herself as she would grow so fast, so I guess he is following in her footsteps. Although it kinds stinks since I still had several cute outfits he never got to wear or squeeze into!
I mentioned to the Dr. about letting him try baby food. I didn't go into details. We initially wanted him to sleep better and my husband was convinced he was starving. When he didn't want the cereal I laughed at Garren and told him it was too soon. But when I kept trying the next day and the next, I started to wonder. So, I picked up some contianers of baby food. They had different stages, and I looked and there was no diference between Stage 1 and Stage 2, except 14 cents. So, I got Stage 2 since I am super cheap and they were in those resealable contianers.
Sure enough my little butterball LOVED the new food. He ate squash first, and then went on to try carrots, green beans, and bananas over the course of the week.
Here's the catch--it didn't help him sleep any longer!!! So, now he eats at least half a container of food at dinner time (he only gets it once a day), cries for his bottle (and takes all 6 ounces), and still only sleeps 3 hours.
So, I spared the doctor this drama and she didn't judge me at all (unlike Gracie's pediatrician) and just said she would have waited until 6 months to give him solid foods.
Other than that he is healthy as a horse. He got an oral vaccine and 2 shots and gave everyone a headache.
They have the nurse give the shots, but the doctor got an earfull as she had the audacity to touch him. She kind of freaked when she saw the whites of his eyes were pink and asked me if it was that way when I got there. I blushed and told her, nope he is just mad. His head gets blood red and he shakes, and if you let him go long enough he will choke from holding his breath. The doctor told me that was the first time in her career she had ever witnessed anything like that. I was so embarassed.
Thomas has milked his injuries all day and has been held with nothing on but a diaper--making him look even more pittiful. He soaked himself and if you bend his legs to get him in clothes he is in agony, so I have just been wrapping him in a blanket. Don't you feel sorry for him ;)
I snapped the picture above after one of his crying fits. He just crashed from the drama of the day while I was mean enough to put him down and in his swing so I could start dinner.
Oh, and freaky that all 3 of you guessed right!
Sounds like he has a little temper. Wonder where he gets that from???????
ReplyDeleteHahaha!!! Can I tell you we are so much alike! Logan was the same way and I am not going to tell you not to worry but he is now tall and slender. Enjoy the chunky monkey faze now because soon those little rolls and dimples will be gone and you will just be left with a crazy energetic toddler. :) And hopefully your mom gets to bring those clothes with her this weekend because I know there was a LOT of 6-9 months stuff in there that will be just perfect for him.
ReplyDelete(FB) awww, those times always hurt me more than the kids....give him extra hugs and kisses from me!
ReplyDelete(FB)poor little thighs!!!
ReplyDeleteHes growing up so fast!