
Spring, spring, spring!! We are loving the warmer temperatures... well we were anyway. I will be happy to embrace the steady warm winds when ever they decided to stick around long enough.

Since we have started a spring theme at home and are reading about gardens, rain, flowers, and all of those fun things we have really been getting in to the mood. But, today we really found ourselves inspired,

We read a library book today called "The Gardner." It is a beautiful story with brilliant illustrations. I won't ruin the story for you, but I will tell you it made me want to plant seeds now!

So, after Gracie's "nap time" we went to the store and got seeds and potting soil. We pulled out all of our planters, and even made some new ones out of creative things around the house. We cleaned up the deck and when the warm weather gets even warmer, we should have a patio garden of our very own.

I can't wait to watch our seedlings grow with Gracie and see all of the brilliant colors come alive.

I love spring time!

1 Response to "Inspiration"

  1. Anonymous8:35 AM

    We have marigolds & parsley on our patio. We plan on getting some more flowers and herbs soon.


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