Gracie Meets Her Teacher

As you know, Gracie opted to change classes for 3rd grade, so she has a new teacher this year--and she is super excited about going back to school (whew! after last year I wasn't so sure!)

Ms. Joyner is Gracie's new teacher and she seems wonderful.  We met her tonight for Gracie's Open House.

Gracie found her desk and unloaded her supplies and told her teacher all about the key chains she had  chosen for her back pack (she is so funny! :).

I filled out the equivalent to a novel, and then was given more papers to take home, but it was well worth it to see the excitement in Gracie's face.

This classroom seems *much* smaller than last years, but they are still clumped together and I am sure they will have some fun things to do along with the challenging things.

Oh, and Ms. Joyner (and many others including the principal) not only loved Gracie's dress, but somehow knew I made it.

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