Gracie Praise

Before my computer crashed, I had saved many of the sweet emails that people have sent over the past year and a half about Gracie. I thought that she might enjoy reading them when she is older, and through those times when she might forget just how much people love and care about her. I know I sure could have used a sheet like this during my teen years. I have sperated the words of praise for Gracie into 2 groups: her birth/just following her birth and other comments that range from late 2004 until the present. Thanks to all who have sent such wonderful words of encouragement and praise to our new family!

On Gracie's Birth:

Tim Whaley

Barb & Garren,
Congratulations!!!!I can't wait to see the pictures.
---Kenny Hawkins

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so glad to hear that Mom and Gracie are doing well. I wish I could have caught the introduction last night on the webcam. I look forward to seeing pictures, and hopefully one day meeting Gracie. Again, congratulations!
Allyson Hatfield

Gracie is sooooo cute. I can't wait to see her; I might have to plan a road trip. She was born on the best day of the year. My Birthday! CONGRATULATIONS
Love Ya,
Helen Tyree

Gracie is beautiful...and trust me, the cry will grow louder!
Tim Whaley :)

Barbara and Garren!
Congratulations! I am so happy for you. Gracie-what a beautiful mom. See you soon!
Josh Smith

Barbara & Garren,
Congratulations! I recieved the pictures of Gracie; she is beautiful. Give little Gracie my love.
--Mary Ellen

Stephanie McClellan

Barbara, Gracie is adorable! I hope you are feeling better Barbara. Cheryl said you had an ear infection and been feeling pretty rough. I couldn't imagine ever having a baby, let alone being sick the first week of its life. You're in my prayers! I hope you recover quickly!

Hi Barbara & Garren,
Thank you so much for the pictures!! After a MONDAY at work, they sure made my day! I could almost smell the baby lotion. Can't wait to hold her!! Gracie you are a beautiful baby! What a head of hair...WOW!! Can't wait to see you... soon I hope. Barbara, I hope you get to feeling better real soon. Hope you and Garren are able to get a little more sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lots of Love,
Aunt Sharon

CONGRATS!!! How exciting for ya'll! I hope that all is well with mom and Gracie and I'll look forward to the pictures soon-heather:)

Congratulations Barbara and Garren on your new baby girl. Thanks for the pictures. She is very pretty and looks very healthy. I am sure you will enjoy her very much. She will bring much happiness into your lives. Hope you are doing great.
Take care and keep in touch,
Aunt Karen

Hey, Here's a belated congratulations from Dean and I. I have been getting all your emails and have enjoyed the pictures greatly. She is adorable and I am sure she will be a blessing to you.
Sara Howard

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Your lives will never be the same (but in a good way!). Best of luck with everything and send pictures soon!!!!!
Love to the Shipley family,
Sara Diamond
PS: Call sometime if you have the energy!

CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy for you two!
Mark Reynolds

Congratulations! Your lives will never be the same. God has given you both a precious gift. Now what? Scary isn't it? Look to God for wisdom and may He bless you, Mom & Dad.

Preacher Rodney

Other Praise



Gracie is adorable! Thanks for sending the updates. I rarely have a chance to get on the computer... as you know a four month old needs your attention at ALL times... but I'm always glad to see new pictures. As soon as I can figure out how to put my pictures on the computer I'll send some!
Take care,


Great photos . . . can't wait to see her get long curly locks that momma can put bows in! hehe.


Hey BJ! Looks like ya'll had a blast in the snow!


Hi BJ!
Sounds like all is well there...maybe Gracie will get a "real" sled for her birthday? I think the laundry basket idea was quite ingenius! Must be a mom thing to be so creative like that? ;) Happy Birthday to Gracie! And a belated happy birthday to you too!

love, heather :)

I’m quite pleased to hear that she enjoyed the toy more than the box. ;)

at first i considered your piece of mind and how it might drive you nuts to hear the "g" song ten million times a day...but since i had fun playing with it in the store...(and mike was making me think i was going to have to get gracie another one...), i figured that a few lost brain cells on mom and dad's part were worth it. and the batteries do come out, if you need a respite.

never fear, though, only educational toys from me. it was between the literacy caterpillar and the spanish/english speaking doll. i have to do my part in turning her into a child prodigy... ;) i've been consistently impressed with leapfrog's products...i know a couple of people who work there. and a bunch of kids who are in love with their toys.

anyway, i hope that she soon outgrows it...because that'll mean she's ready to be a reader, eh?

b (Becky)

Hey there!
I'm so sorry I've been a terrible writer. I've gotten all of your e-mails, and I love all the pictures of Gracie! She is getting so big.

Let me know when you guys will be in town. We'd love to meet you for dinner!
Miss you!


Barbara, The pictures are great! We had such a nice time at Gracie's party. It was so good to see all of you and we are looking forward to May 21st. Lots of Love from Mamaw, Papaw and Luke



Thanks for sharing the picture of your daughter. I was excited to hear about her from Katie and I know that you and Garren are very proud. Gracie is a very beautiful young lady and is very lucky to have loving and nurturing parents. It was nice to here from you.

David (Ashwell)


Barbara you have a beautiful little girl and I am sure she will bring you and Garren many years of happiness and joy. Enjoy each and every one of them because they go by way to fast. Enjoy the pictures very much. Keep in touch.

Aunt Karen


Hi Barbara,
You just made my day! The pictures are beautiful and Gracie is a living doll!
Thank you so much for keeping us caught up on the happenings in her life. It means more than you will ever know. Give her lots of hugs and kisses from mamaw, papaw and Luke.
We are all looking forward to next month!
With much love, Cheryl


Dear BJ, Gracie looks so cute! I am glad she had a fun Easter and looks like you two did as well.

Hi Barbara,

Thanks so much for the picture!!! Gracie is so pretty . I just can't get over how much she has grown. You and Garren are so blessed!! You guys make a precious family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the Easter pictures too...Gracie's dress was beautiful. I loved the one at the window with Mariah!!

Hope to see you soon!
Lots of Love,


That is the most adorable picture!!!!!!!!!! I think she's a keeper . Thanks so much for the e-mail. Hope you guys have a great weekend and hope to see you soon!

Love ya,


thanks for sharing! what a great picture. gracie is a darling little girl. enjoy!!
love, jane woodson

Thank you for the pictures! It looks like you and Daddy were working very hard on the car. You are a very good helper. I hope you helped Daddy learn how to do it right. Did you check the wheels? How about the belts? I bet you remembered like you did on your stroller. I hope you had fun. Grandpa and I miss you very much. We hope to see you before too long. Hugs and kisses to you.


Barbara & Garren,
Thank you for all the wonderful pictures. It always makes my day when I see on my E- Mail something from you all. Please keep them coming, I love all three of you all.

Hi Guys,

Thanks for all the pictures of Gracie...she just gets more beautiful every day!! I'm sure she is joy!

Hope to see you all soon! Take Care.
Love ya,


I have found your calling and income. You need to write a book! You are so good at it. You make everything seem sooooo interesting. I don’t know if it should be a pregnancy book or baby book, that’s your call. I think you should send in some of your entries to a publishing company. I’m not kidding. Do what you are good at and enjoy, make money, and stay home with Gracie.
Just a thought.
I look forward to your next entry.


I've loved seeing the picture of Gracie on your blog and reading your stories! It so makes me want to have a little one to be with all the time...oh yeah, a husband would be nice too! I really admire you for all of the courage that you have to raise your daughter in these crazy times. I think it's so great that you're staying home with her. It really shows a great love on your part. I know that having my mom at home all of those years made all of the difference in my life. To know that she was there when I got home, watching what I was watching on tv, monitoring my friends and choices, that has made me who I am now (for better or worse!).I love ya!Heather


Hi Barb. Gracie is a doll! She's exactly the same size as Luke! I hope you're doing well. I know you adore motherhood. It has to be the most wonderful experience ever! Thanks for your emails. I always enjoy reading them; I just hardly ever have time to respond.

Take Care.

I think it is wonderful that you have created a blog for Gracie. I always enjoy reading them. Gracie is getting so big. Although it is not the same, I do enjoy watching Gracie grow and learn new things even if is through the computer. I really want to thank you and Garren for this opportunity. I never thought I would enjoy the computer so much. As you have noticed, having grand children changes everything. Thanks again to the both of you for the computer and the patient teaching. Keep up the GREAT work on the blog.


Grandpa, Mariah and I were reading your blog last night. You are getting to be such a big girl. Of course, we especially enjoyed the one for Grand Parents Day! That is beautiful artwork. Thank you. We love you too!
Mariah did say that you forgot "jumping on the bed". Thanks again.
Love, Grandma


Gracie was such a cute elephant for Halloween. She looks so much like Garren. I hadn't had a chance to read your blog in awhile (but I've had a slow day) so I was able to catch up on alot of it today. You are such a good writer & it sounds like you and Gracie have a ball.

Let me know when you are in TN.


Barbara, thanks for sharing with me. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Love, Jane Woodson

I just finished reading your blog. Thank you for letting Grandpa and I know what you are doing since we can not be with you all the time, as we would like to. You are very special to us. We miss you very much and can hardly wait to see you for Thanksgiving. We love you and hope to see you very soon. Hugs and kisses !!!
Love Grandma and Grandpa

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