Daddy's Version of What Happened

Garren’s version of what happened….
3/5/04, 11:47pm.
I am not really sure what I writing for…but regardless here’s what happened.
The baby was over due by about a week, so the folks at Blue Ridge OBGYN set an induction date of March 3. We arrived early at 8am to wait: labor and delivery was full, so we went to lunch. Mom had a salad; dad, a burger at Shoney’s. At 1:30pm, an IV was started, along with an insert of synthetic prostaglandin. 12 hours later, regular contractions were going, then came synthetic oxytocin at 8am (Thursday). And, the contractions stopped… after a very restless night (and night before), mom and dad were frustrated and tired. Oxytocin started at 6ml and hour…went as high as 84ml an hour, out of a diluted solution, 10mg/1l saline.
Still no dilation, so Dr., Reese tried using an angioplasty-like technique. It worked to well…mom was in agony, accomplishing in 15 minutes, what should have taken a full day. That let to a quick epidural, manual rupture of membranes, and RAPID progress.
At 8pm we were ready for active labor…it started 3 hours later. That’s where the real trouble started. Mom pushed like a pro, turning purple each time. There were lots of tears, pep talks, and painful minutes. But nothing happened, baby was stuck. So, at 6am after a 30 hour sleepless induction and labor, Dr. Reese ordered an emergency c-section.
Dad was scared…mom was stoned…she had some good drugs in place for the 45 minute procedure. 3 ½ hours later, Dad still had no news…and was preparing the malpractice lawsuits in his head, all while preparing to storm the OR to save mom.
As it turns out, mom was too much of a pro when it came to pushing. She torn all 3 baby places badly and needed repair. Baby, whom dad didn’t recognize at first, was a 100% okay, mom was okay too, but needed several says to recover.
Oh, almost forgot…baby had scrapes on head from mom’s pushing.
Once dad got a nap, things were better. Gracie came to a “meet mommy session” in the early afternoon, as did Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Lou. Mamaw and Papaw send there love, but couldn’t come because of Luke’s flu bug.
Saturday 3/6/04 is planned to be a “get to know a well rested mommy and daddy” day.
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