Pregnancy Journal

May thru September 2003
(1-4 Months of pregnancy)
Notable Symptoms
Headaches, migraines at times; fatigue; sore muscles; lower abdominal pain (4th month); dizziness; hunger, and then lack of hunger sometimes for days at a time (1 day can’t eat enough, next don’t want to); thirst.
Nutrageous candy bars; Mexican food; fruits & vegetables; movie butter popcorn
Our First OBGYN visit
We got to hear the baby’s heart beat for the first time (August 21, 2003). It was very exciting. Baby’s due date is February 26, 2004.
We First Found Out
June 19, 2003 with a pregnancy test. We celebrated by going to dinner at “Red, Hot & Blues,” a barbeque place in Winchester. Then we went baby shopping at Wal-Mart, where the news finally “hit” Garren.
During my first months of pregnancy I worked cleaning houses. I was able to keep excess weight off, and I got plenty of exercise, but I was absolutely exhausted! A couple of times I got dizzy on the job, but I was okay.
I never experienced “morning sickness,” and so far I have no food aversions. But, my sense of smell has increased 10-fold!
I am only showing a little, but Garren swears he’s seen a difference for a while. He loves to rub my belly. No maternity clothes yet, I think I still have a while to go before I’ll need new clothes.
Garren’s parents bought the first gifts for “peanut,” after taking us to JC Penney’s. They bought a cute green robe with a frog hood; a squeaky frog bib; green & blue booties; a pale green receiving blanket; and a bear “softie” with a green cloth attached. My parents bought a girl gift set and a boy “Precious Moments” softie when we visited them in August, they also paid for some cute outfits I found on clearance at Kmart.
At this point we still don’t know what the baby is, but I have a strong feeling it’s a boy.
Who We Told
The first to find out were Sara Diamond, my former co-worker, who I shared pregnancy hopes with; and Garren’s co-worker Jamie, who noticed the HUGE smile on his face the day I told him. I had to tell Garren over the phone, because he knew something was going on and wouldn’t wait for me to tell him in person.
We told my parents July 4th weekend. We went to Texas Roadhouse, and Garren and I had them open some orange gift bags I had fixed for them. Each got a bottle and a bib (one said Grandma, the other Grandpa). They were very surprised! Mom got very happy, Dad just sat there, stunned I guess.
We told his parents on the phone on our car ride from Lynchburg to Strasburg.
Others we told early on: Shannon & GW; Sara & Dean; Becky; Heather; Lou; WJHL Staff; Garren’s office; my co-workers at CCS; Heather Walsh; Brian; Erica.
We got special cards of congratulations from Heather Walsh and Sara Howard.
In month 3, I got strep throat, and later mono! I was very sick for about 3 weeks and had to stay home from work for a week. Mono made me break out in a rash from head to toe.
Sometimes I have a hard time sleeping, and I still go to the bathroom frequently, but still mild symptoms as far as I can tell.
Name Ideas
Tabitha Grace; Jack Thomas; Charles Bryant; Amanda Hope
Second OBGYN visit September 16, 2003
Dr. Davis/ultrasound. We got to see the baby for the first time. The pictures were fuzzy, but the best one was of “peanut” trying to suck his/her thumb.
Still don’t know a gender yet, but heat and other organs were fine. The baby was moving around a lot, but I still can’t feel it yet. Baby’s heart rate:140
I’ve lost 3 pounds, I am not at 204 pounds. Garren is concerned, but the doctor says things are fine since I am eating good foods and drinking plenty.
Frequency of bathroom visits is okay; apparently rare pregnant women get a condition that makes them have to go a lot.
Due date remains February 26th, next appointment is October 16th.
We celebrated seeing our baby for the first time by going to La Carretta Mexican Restaurant in Winchester.
October & November 2003
(Months 5 & 6)
In the past few days and weeks I have felt “peanut” moving. It kind of feels like a goldfish in my belly—but, I secretly love it! Most of the time “she” seems to be most active at night while I am trying to sleep. Although, now I truly believe that “she” knows her Daddy’s voice; when Garren talks “she” kicks and moves very excitedly. My appetite is increasing 10-fold, but I am nervous that I will gain excess weight.
3rd OBGYN Visit October 16, 2003
We continue to see Dr. Wade. Not much to share. I gained a pound, but no one is concerned. Our next and last (ended up not being our last) sonogram is set for next month, November 11th.
To celebrate our 3rd doctor visit we had lunch at Pizza Hut for lunch, and later that night we went to Toy’s R US and Target to register for baby gifts. Garren had lots of fun with the “gun” they give you to use.
I can still fit in to my clothes—thankfully! But, over the past 24 hours (October 20th), my belly is getting huge! Mom is making me some maternity clothes for when I need them.
***this is where my journal stops, I wish I had kept up with it, but after Gracie was born I added a few extras that I remembered****
*October 2003: I feel Gracie kick for the first time.
*Having sciatica very bad for the last trimester
*Had high blood pressure last trimester
*Started to really show about 7 months
*Breasts didn’t leak until 9th month
*terrified about the delivery!
*I gained 18 pounds total and lost it all after the baby was born.
*we found out Gracie was a girl during our 8th month at a sonogram, but the nurse said to hold on to receipts for girls clothing because she couldn’t be absolutely certain.
* I was 1cm dilated for the last 3 weeks or so of pregnancy
*Gracie loved music while in my belly!
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