Gracie's First Halloween

From Family email November 5, 2004:
Our adorable Gracie topped all expectations by becoming the world’s cutest little giraffe this Halloween (as if you didn’t already know that!) Garren and I took her to the Pumpkin Patch in Lynchburg on Saturday with her cousin Mariah (age 6), and she had a blast. Then on Sunday night we took her house to house begging for candy. She loved it, probably because she got to sit in the stroller while Garren and I pushed her around the neighborhood! We couldn’t have been prouder parents last weekend! I didn’t make her costume (I am not that crafty yet), but I did make her first Halloween treat bag.
It took nearly 8 months but Gracie finally has teeth. Just two of them, but she is proud as pie of them! She’s growing so fast!!!
I can hardly believe Christmas is already here—it seems just like yesterday we brought her home from the hospital! My big girl is already wearing 12 to 18 month clothes and she’s an expert at pulling herself up to a standing position. She can even cruise along sturdy objects when she wants.
Life here is hectic but wonderful. We still haven’t decided about Thanksgiving yet, but as promised we will let family and friends in TN know when we plan to visit.Our love to all of you, please write back if you get a chance!
Barbara, Garren & Gracie

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2 Responses to "Gracie's First Halloween"

  1. Anonymous2:12 PM


    Gracie is adorable! Thanks for sending the updates. I rarely have a chance to get on the computer... as you know a four month old needs your attention at ALL times... but I'm always glad to see new pictures. As soon as I can figure out how to put my pictures on the computer I'll send some!

  2. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Great photos . . . can't wait to see her get long curly locks that momma can put bows in! hehe.


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