Meal Time

I complain often about how life seems to whiz by at frightening speeds, leaving little time for people and their families to enjoy and savor life's little moments. Many might think its easy for me to say these things as I have become a "stay at home mom." For those of you who are not "stay at home moms," I challenge you to take on my day--you might find it interesting and not at all what you thought (I don't even have any BonBons!) But, since life has given me a chance to be at home with my precious 17 month old, it has become clearer to me the importance of family and taking time for each other.

Dinner time is one of my favorite times of the day--usually. I love that we come together and talk and eat, even though it can get a little hectic and messy. I hope that we continue to share family meals together as Gracie grows up and she recognizes how important family time is. Who knows maybe we'll adopt one of those hokey family rituals you hear about, like, each member has to share 3 positive things about their day and 3 negative things.

Studies prove that spending at least 4 days a week around the family dinner table lessens the likelihood that your children will get involved in drugs or alcohol. It makes sense, talking things out and sharing are a great way to reinforce your family's bond, making it harder for outside forces to seep in.

I want to take it one step further in this house though. I would like to see us eat together at least 2 meals a day 6 times a week. Sometimes things get crazy around here, and it is easy to eat our dinner or breakfast in front of the TV. Not anymore, our time together is important, and I don't want to sacrifice anymore of it to the electronic "idiot box."

I urge you to take time for your family too. Nick-at-Nite and TVLand currently have a campaign going to get families to pledge to turn off the TV and share a family meal together on "family day," September 26th. I took the pledge for our family and I encourage you to do the same. You will find the link below. And remember: it's not what you fix, or how nicely the table is set, it's that you communicate with each other.

Family Day, September 26th, take the pledge

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