18 Month Pictures

Gracie and I headed back to Winchester today, after her nap, to JC Penny's for her 18 month photo shoot.
Gracie was in rare form today at the photo studio; she didn't cry! Usually she hates to have her pictures done, even though she poses for the camera at home. I had already decided I wanted to show off Gracie's interests/skills at this stage in her life, through her pictures. I told the photographer I wanted to have pictures of Gracie reading her books.
Gracie's face lit up as the assistants brought out a huge basket full of books. She smiled and babbled and "read" the books, making for a great series of pictures (I have included them above, they were scanned in from a black and white print out, but you get the idea). My little girl loves books, and you can really see that in these portraits. I can't wait to get them back!
After the photo session, Garren showed up at the mall to surprise us after he got off work. We had dinner in the food court and exchanged Gracie's shoes (I had accidentally gotten her double wide walkers, and couldn't figure out why they didn't fit).
Gracie had a great day. We all hope you each have a wonderful weekend, and if you are feeling down--go buy yourself a new pair of shoes, or two! It worked for Gracie!
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