I must have the smartest girl in the world…

I must have the smartest girl in the world…
My Gracie knows her ears and nose,
She can even pretend to blow.
Call the Nobel Prize committee,
My baby can even find the potty!
And though she only uses it as a boat,
I as Gracie’s mom have cause to gloat.
My little princess can fix tea,
She fixes it for Dolly and Me.
She can create a magnificent piece of art,
Call the galleries! Boy is this girl smart.
She can blow you kisses and tickle your cheek,
And cover her eyes, but can’t wait to peek.
She can open and shut just about anything.
And wait till Barney’s on—she’ll even sing!
My girl can get down by herself and say “whee!”
And knows animal sounds from Monkey to Bee.
She can go up steps, and hold her juice,
All the while, working on her 16th tooth.
She can stack many a thing here in this room,
She can even hold her own fork and spoon.
Were still working on her colors and ABC’s,
But she will learn ‘em with the greatest of ease.
See, she’s a little genius don’t you know,
Just 17 months—Watch her GO!
If you want she’ll sing Itsy Bitsy,
But it doesn’t take long to get silly,
She’s a pro at ball and sledding,
Tell the Olympic team she’s ready!
She can count to ten and talk on the phone,
My musical prodigy can play the xylophone!
She can play house with her little people,
And pretend to shop for milk and apple,
She makes her toy cars go “vroom,”
As she scoots around her play room.
She can buckle a buckle and zip a zip,
And with help she can do a back flip.
She can brush her teeth and wash her belly,
She can help put on pajamas and get ready,
And when night time nears she snuggles ‘tween
“Time for milk and books my little queen.”
Cozy and warm, we ready for bed,
First, kisses and prayers are said.
The best thing, I think, is her favorite word.
Not a day goes by without it being heard
It’s the most wonderful word anyone could say,
The one that is just for me, and makes my day,
That one that can be both comfort and alarming,
But I still grin each time I hear… “Mommy.”
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