Blustery Fall Weekend

The windy fall weekend here in Strasburg kept us in jackets, but we still managed to have some fun. Since we are really only all together on Saturday's and Sunday's, we try to make the most out of those days...and Gracie and I try to get out of the house as much as possible!
On Saturday, we went as usual to the library, then we spent the rest of the evening in Winchester. We took Gracie "window shopping" at some new stores that have opened here like Old Navy. We also took her to PetSmart. She loves to look at the animals. She had a really good time.
On Sunday, we had only about 30 minutes to play at the Pumpkin Patch, but when we came home we watched Charlie Brown and The Great Pumpkin and we made cookies. It was a breezy, but nice family day.
The weather outside wasn't the only turbulent thing going on. Princess Grace is definitely trying to show us who's boss. We continue to have difficulty getting her to take a nap, she won't got to sleep at night and she sleeps until 10am the next morning. She is having teeth trouble, and her sleeping is out-of-sync. She goes to bed at the same time each night...she just doesn't sleep like she usually does. I like to think that Garren and I are handling the change well. With toddlers everyday is a new battle and new rewards. We are keeping the schedule steady though, we think that's best for her.
As for her learning skills, she had become a parrot. She repeats everything. She can tell you what things are hot and cold, even if you don't ask her, she knows 3/4 of her ABC's and she can put together a shape puzzle with ease. She never ceases to amaze me with her intelligence. We are lucky to have such a bright little girl. And, her hair is really getting long. But, pitty for me, she hates for me to fool with it. I love to run my fingers through it and gather it in a ponytail, but she shakes her head and tries to get away from me. Oh well, I guess I will have to put the ribbons and bows on hold for a few more months!
The picture above is from Sunday at the Pumpkin Patch
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