Being Thankful

I would like to teach Gracie what others are Thankful for. As a favor to Gracie and I, would you email or write in the comment section of this blog entry what you are thankful for. I would like to read them to her and help her understand over the next year why we give thanks.

Thank You so much,
Barbara & Garren & Gracie

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12 Responses to "Being Thankful"

  1. Anonymous9:38 PM

    I am thankful that the water we have is safe to drink and the food we have is safe to eat.
    I am thankful that I am free to have my own opinions and that I am able to express them.
    I am thankful that I have running water and a roof over my head.
    I am thankful that I can afford to buy necessary things--food, clothes, etc.
    I am thankful for my Matt.
    I am thankful for friends.
    I am thankful for my memories.

  2. Anonymous10:08 PM

    a warm house
    food on the table

  3. Anonymous10:08 PM

    As you probably would have guessed, we are thankful that God has blessed us with grandchildren. Gracie and Mariah mean so much to us. Grandchildren are the best reason for getting up each day even when physical pain and the stress of everyday life seem so great. We are thankful for our children who have grown into wonderful adults. Barbara is such a wonderful Mom and wife. Our "other son" Garren takes good care of our daughter and granddaughter and treats us as family. Brian who continues to work hard.We are thankful that we are physically and mentally able to function each day. We also are thankful that we have the freedom to make choices in our everyday lives. We are thankful for all that God has given us!

  4. Anonymous11:12 PM

    I am thankful for family and friends. For comng home on weekends and staying in to watch football. For a meal plan and big breakfasts at home. For quiet time to study by myself and loud laughter in groups. Most importantly, I am thankful for Go and His love.

    However, I am also thankful that I'm going to bed now.

    see you soon,

  5. Anonymous6:17 PM

    I am thankful that Planck's constant is small.
    I am thankful that Avagadro's number is large.
    I am thankful that politicians are idiots.
    I am thankful that the ground wire is always black.
    I am thankful for the boundless opportunities I've been given.
    I am thankful for a wonderful, patient, bueatiful wife.
    I am thankful for cute, super-intelligent daughter.
    I am thankful for my faith and my family.

  6. I am thankful for wonderful friends, a warm place to live, being able to provide my family food, having a job I love, a loving family and husband and thankful for the baby on the way.

  7. Anonymous9:49 PM


  8. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I am so thankful for having my sister, Cheryl this Thanksgiving. After her accident this year, I just thank God for leaving her with us!! She is such a special part of my life that I just can't imagine being without her! God has blessed me with the best sister ever!!!!

    I'm also thankful for having such a special, loving family. I love each and every one of you!!!

    I'm thankful that I had a wonderful garden this year, a husband that knows how to grow a garden and cookbooks and friends that help me preserve the goodies. We will enjoy some of them this Thanksgiving.

    I'm thankful for the cold, crisp night here tonight. Gracie, I wish you could have seen all the beautiful stars that were out tonight. They were an awesome sight out here in the country without any city lights.

    I'm thankful for strength and health to be able to go to work every day, for my job and my wonderful co-workers. For being able just to put my feet on the floor in the morning without pain is a blessing!

    Gracie, I'm so very thankful that your Mommy takes the time to send "Gracie updates" and the beautiful pictures. You are such a beautiful little girl with a special Mommy and Daddy!

    I could go on forever... Right now, I'm thankful that I have a nice, warm bed to curl up in safe and sound. I'm going get some ZZZ's now.

    One more thing...

    MOST of all, I'm thankful for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as he has richly blessed me with ALL of the above!!

  9. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Jessica T: I am thankful for my new baby Sierra. I am thankful for my mom and dad, sister and her new husband,gradparents. I am thankful to have friends like Barbara and Garren, if not for them I would be lost. I am thankful for Sierra's Daddy Steven. I am thankful for family. I am thankful God gave me such good friends and family. I am thankful for all the memories that Barbara Gracie and I have made. O am thankful for the memories that Steven and I have made.I am thankful that we have a warm place to live,food

  10. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I am thankful for a wonderful husband (well sometimes he's wonderful), my family, and my adorable four-legged child, Lucie who is always in a perfect mood! I am thankful for my education and my job that I love! I am also very thankful to have the best group of fourth grade students ever.

  11. Anonymous11:06 AM

    I am thankful for the freedoms we enjoy in this country and hope I never forget they didn't come cheap, just as the freedom from sin and death came at great price to our Heavenly Father,so high prices are being paid even now so that we can enjoy the love of our families this season.
    I am so thankful for my wonderful husband and his great devotion to me, for all my children and their wonderful spouses, and for four of the most beautiful and intelligent grandchildren the world has seen to date! May God bless each and everyone of you as you reflect on the bounty He has blessed us with this year.

  12. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I am thankful that I have such a wonderful daughter Sierra
    I am thankful for My Brian.
    I am thankful to have friends like Barbara and Garren and Gracie.
    I am for a warm house
    I am thankful for food on the table.
    I am thankful for LIFE itself.
    Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving


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