Well Wishes To Family

Family & Friends:
We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and you no doubt had plenty to celebrate and be thankful for. Our dinner here went well. All eight of us found plenty to eat, and even enough air, which I was worried about in this small apartment of ours. Garren's parents and brother and my parents all made the trip to Strasburg, and we were glad they decided to celebrate with us.
Gracie enjoyed the mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese and rolls. She wouldn't try the turkey, she has been going through this anti-meat thing for several months now. Of course she looked adorable. I made Garren and I and Gracie all dress to coordinate in navy. Yes, I am aware I am nuts! My mom got such a good picture of us though, that Garren has been spared the trip to Penney's to have the family portrait done. We have yet to have a professional family picture taken, but still we have plenty of the three of us that have turned out well (Garren hates to have his picture taken!).
Thank you to all of you who submitted your thankful lists by email and on the blog, we really appreciate this. If you didn't submit one, and you would still like to you can email them to me and I will include them. I think that these lists will help Gracie understand as she gets older what being Thankful means. I read the lists to her and she recognized some of the things and would smile. Thank you all again.
I guess its now on to Christmas. Things seem to move so fast these days. But, I think I will wait to decorate, and we will probably wait to get the tree until about a week before. Those of you who have toddlers know what a nightmare ornaments and lights are with tiny, curious hands!
Gracie continues to grow and learn. Just today I noted all the things she can do on the blog. She knows all of her ABC's and can identify them in any order, she knows most of her colors and all of the simple shapes (circle, triangle, square, rectangle, diamond, heart, oval). She amazes me everyday, I am so lucky to have her.
We will have to start searching for yet another pair of shoes. The Barney shoes we bought her two months ago are too tight, and she will be wearing a size 7 1/2 or 8!!! And she's not even 2! She fits comfortably in 3T clothes and continues to progress with the potty. She has been going in the potty sporadically over the past 2 months and we are very proud. And, its a good thing, since she is in the largest size diapers they make!! Cruisers size 6!
I will sum up by hoping that all of you have a wonderful week. We would love to hear from you.
**Picture from Thanksgiving day, included in email***
ReplyDeleteI really liked that you covered your roll with your napkin and told it "naptime". I hope your roll took a good nap. Love you! Grandma