Christmas Shopping And Other Fun Stuff

The weather was decent here today and Garren was ready for a break, so during Gracie's nap we headed out to a nice lunch at Olive Garden and to finish up Christmas shopping for Gracie.

I had noticed the insane crowds this week as mom and I were out and about, and had the brilliant idea of shopping at 11-midnight at the Lynchburg Wal Mart. Apparently everyone else had that idea last night as well. In addition to the crowds and insanely long lines...we also only found half of the things we were looking for. So, today after a wonderful lunch, we again braved the mad throngs of people looking to finish up their yuletide purchases.

We got lucky at Target and were able to get all but a few things that can be picked up during next weeks grocery store visit.

Tonight, we had some of our extended family over for a little dinner and get together. Gracie was a definate show off, and she and Mariah looked beautiful in there holiday dresses. I didn't take nearly as many pictures as I had hoped, but I got a few good ones.

Despite eating a ton of junk food, Gracie spent much of the day playing with her new train set and with cousin Mariah. I think the two girls are really enjoying being together this weekend.

Tomorrow we will go to church to see more of the family.

**The picture above is of Gracie playing with her new Leap Frog toy and her great, great, great uncle Junior***

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1 Response to "Christmas Shopping And Other Fun Stuff"

  1. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Barbara and Garren:
    You two are VERY Brave to go shopping yesterday.


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