Hello From Lynchburg

Gracie and mommy spent much of Wednesday afternoon on the road to Grandma and Grandpa's, and are we ever glad that we left then-- instead of today as we had planned. The roads here in Lynchburg are covered in snow, ice and slush...and Garren tells me the roads in Strasburg are about the same. The wintery stuff began late last night, and it hasn't stopped yet.
Poor Gracie spent much of the day looking out of the many windows here in the house wanting to go out and play. But, since it was raining ice, it was much to unsafe for her to go out. She was having a hard time with that concept since she is allowed to come and go as she pleases at Grandma's usually. We are lucky that they have a deck and a back and front yard for Gracie to play in, and she looks forward to swinging and running around outside, unlike at she can do at home. Maybe tomorrow we can let her out in it a little bit. Good thing I packed her boots.
Tomorrow we will get to see Mariah. I know Gracie will have a ball!! The snow and ice has cancelled school for Mariah tomorrow and she was already scheduled to stay the weekend here at mom and dads. I have no doubt that those two girls will have a great time romping and playing and just being silly together as usual.
We had planned a family Christmas get-together on Saturday with more of the family, and I certainly hope that the bad weather won't get in the way. Garren will make his way to Lynchburg tomorrow after he finishes up some reporting in Richmond.
We put up the tree here at grandma and grandpa's and Gracie enjoyed seeing a lit tree inside the house. Unfortunately we were unable to get a tree for our apartment in Strasburg before we left, as Food Lion was sold out Tuesday night when we went. I am sure we will find some poor lonesome tree at the Winchester Lowe's or something like that when we get back, so don't worry that Gracie won't have her own tree for Christmas.
Please have a safe weekend and don't travel if you don't have too! Stay inside where it is nice and warm, and share hot chocolate and buttered popcorn with you family.
Can you send some snow our way? We forgot what it looks like! We got lots of rain, and it all froze overnight last night causing lots of black ice. In turn, Greene County Schools were placed on a two-hour delay for a one hour long abbreviated school day, and I still had bus duty! Fun, fun! Enjoy the snow! Be careful on the trip home.