Ready For Christmas

It was a long weekend here in the Shipley home as the Princess Grace gave us a run for our parenting money! The boo had had little sleep and is very onry!
On Saturday, I brought up the Christmas decorations and put the manger scene up and a few other things to make the house nice and warm and in the holiday spirit. We haven't gotten a tree, but I picked out the ornaments less likely for Gracie to damage and they are ready for Tuesday, when Garren says he will get the tree. I think Gracie will really enjoy the tree. She is at a very curious age!
Last night we made homemade peanut butter cookies. We found a really simple recipe: 1C peanut butter, 1 egg, 1C sugar. Mix and teaspoon on to a cookie sheet. Bake at 350 for 8 minutes. But, a word of advice, they took closer to 10-11 minutes. But anyway, Gracie thoroughly enjoyed them.
This morning our friends Jessica and Steven and baby Sierra went to church with us and had lunch at our apartment. It snowed a little, but not enough to do much of anything. Not that it need to, this weeks snow has turned in to snow-looking ice, and there is still plenty of it!!
We didn't do much this afternoon, just visited with our friends and relaxed. Tonight we lit the third candle on our Advent wreath, the candle of peace. Gracie got a bath, and is in her crib now continuing to fight sleep. For the past 2 days she has fought taking a nap for several hours, has laid in her crib awake until 10:30pm, and gotten up at 9am! She is quite sleep deprived. We noticed today that her crankiness seemed to be accentuated by a need to chew on things. It looks like sore teeth are back and are likely to blame for her sleep deficit and her moodiness.
The holiday's are upon us, and I think that this season will be a wonderful memory for our family...oh, and I have to mail out the Christmas cards!
Just wanted to say thank you for a wonderful day. It is so great to have good friends like the three of you. I look forward to many more days like the one we shared today. Maybe we can decorate the Christmas tree soon.