Saying I Love You

I don't pretend to be a wise person in any way, but I wanted to share my thoughts on a subject that has been on mind for the past two days. So often we use the excuse "out of sight, out of mind" when it comes long distance relationships with family. Take it from someone who is important to let the people you love and care about know that you are thinking of them, especially children. Don't let hundreds of miles keep those people from knowing that you care and you are interested in their lives. Here are a few ideas:

*Email a short note with a story about what happened to you that day, or a story from long ago that you want to pass on to the next generation

*Send a card out of the blue, just because you wanted to send your love. It doesn't have to be an expensive one, Wal Mart makes tons of adorable .48 cards that say just what you need.

*Mail a letter that sends love and a sense of caring. Cover in in stickers or sketches or just put it on fun paper. Even a piece of notebook paper will do, all you need is to share that you are thinking about them.

*Make a phone call. Call just to see how they are agenda, not on the regular day you call, and not to talk about yourself--make the conversation just about them.

*Send silly or fun gifts that don't cost very much but let that person know you know them. Like a book about birds if the person loves birds, or a t-shirt that says "adorable!" The price of the gift doesn't matter, just the thought of saying "I am thinking about you and I love you!"

*Make an audio tape or video tape with a special message. Those can be priceless in days and years to come

*Email or send by mail pictures that you took on a special holiday when you were apart, include captions on the back and tell how much you wished the person was there.

*Mail a postcard from your city. You can find these in most Walmarts (look towards the ends of the checkout stands near the customer/returns center). It will be neat to see a picture of where you live. Write on it anything you like. Be sure to include hugs and kisses.

These are just a few simple things to let someone know you haven't forgotten about them, and that you miss and love them very much. Don't let miles and hours come between your don't know how much it will mean when they realize they haven't been forgotten---especially when it comes to the children.

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