We're Back

Gracie and I returned to Strasburg Monday evening to a much relieved Daddy. Garren never has been able to live with us gone very well :)

I would like to say we did tons of interesting things while we were visiting Grandma and Grandpa, but this trip was mostly work. Gracie, however, got her fair share of spoiling from the grandparents and got to play with cousin Mariah.

My new camera came last Monday morning as I was loading the car to go to mom and dads. I took some pictures while we were there, but none of them are spectacular. I will have to practice with it some more, several of them were blurry.

Gracie and I mostly rested yesterday and unpacked the boxes and bags full of things that we brought back. Today has been pretty laid back as well. I found that I had exhausted myself more than I realized. Although, Gracie has been anything but laid back. She has been so excited to be back she has practically run for two days straight! She has played with every toy in the house, and I have no idea where her energy has come from. She has been wonderful since we got back. At mom and dads she was getting into everything and hanging on me and whining the whole time I was there. But, I think she sensed the heaviness of the visit and responded the only way she knew how. Her angelic behavior did take a short break this morning though as I was taking a shower. I came out to find a box of Fruit Loops on her bedroom floor, an overflowing bowl of them and even more scattered around. Apparently she decided to pour herself another bowl while I was busy. The look on her face when I caught her was priceless. I grabbed the camera, but she wouldn't go back in her room--she knew what she had done. I did take a picture of the mess though!

That's all for now, I will get back in to the blogging habit ASAP. I really enjoy writing about my daily trial and tribulations with the princess Grace.

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