Typical Day In My Life

Some friends and I were discussing what our days were like, and all I could really think about was 24 hours of Gracie. Ever since I had her my memory capacity has seriously downsized--I think it was all those months (years) of sleep deprivation. So, I thought it might be neat to write down everything I did one day, so I can look back at it years from now and laugh... or cry. And, I thought I would share the day with my childless friends so they will know just how much a toddler changes your life! It is also a testimonial to all of those men, but mostly women out there (some without kids, but mostly with kids) who think that being a stay-at-home mom is the lazy way out, or that we just sit around and eat bon-bons and watch tv all day. This day is some what typical; although you will see that we had to run an errand, I would have instead played more and done a craft in the time that it took us to go to the bank. And I didn't have the time to include all the hugs we gave and the songs we sang and the two dozen or so books we read togeter, but you will get an idea about my day.

The day was this past Wednesday, February 1, 2006

10:00am—Got out of bed after lying there for an hour so as not to disturb Gracie who had been in our bed since 7:45am (Long night/morning—don’t ask!)

10:10--Rush to put on gym clothes

10:15—Head to Curves for 30 minute workout (I really worked it today!!!!)

10:55—Came home soaking wet with sweat just in time for Garren to rush out the door for a 11:30 interview

11:00—Gracie demands waffles. I fix us both two with strawberries.

11:20—Gracie wants to play in sandbox. She helps me put down the sheet (to protect the carpet) and plays happily.

11:22—I take advantage of her sandbox fun to get a shower!

11:33—I head to the bedroom to get dressed in my “mommy attire,” Gracie insists on helping me, so she does.

11:37—I get started on picking up this disaster area we call home, although I am not sure why, it will be a mess again in 12 hours. I start with the bedroom.

12:00noon—On to the kitchen. Urgh! There are never paper towels when I need them (don’t you hate that! I buy several rolls each shopping trip and I can never find the roll when I need it!!)

12:06p—Stop to get paper and crayons for Gracie who wants to color.

12:19—Cleaning continues, on to the living room! Gracie still coloring at kitchen table.

12:25—Do puzzles with Gracie

12:30—TV off for the day (right after Max & Ruby I try to turn the TV off and keep it off, I worry she watches too much. It stays on from the time she gets up until this point, but I am working on ways to curb that too, although as you can see she doesn’t sit there and watch it continuously, she just listens to it as she plays)

12:31—Take down and start first load of laundry. (I don’t have a machine. There is one coin operated machine for our entire building of 10 apartments!)

12:34—Take Gracie to try and potty.

12:45—No success. Dress Gracie for the day and put on fresh Clifford training pants. (She usually gets dressed earlier as her daddy does that while I am working out—but he was in a hurry this morning)

12:48—Puzzles and animal sounds with Gracie….blocks too!

1:10—Put washed load of laundry in dryer.

1:30—Head to bank in Woodstock

2:15—We’re back (our bank is a 40 minute round trip, we only go if necessary, and Garren needed me to deposit a check.)

2:16--Run down at get dryed launrdy.

2:17—Make quick lunch. Salads and one hard boiled egg for each of us, followed by a small bowl of cherry Jello to share.


3:00—Naptime not going well—put Gracie in crib, hope she falls asleep!

3:01—Clean up from lunch

3:05—Rest a few minutes and sneak a sliver of left over carrot cake. Oops, forgot to take chicken out of freezer….I take chicken out of freezer, resume resting.

3:13—Check and return emails, update blog.

3:23—Gracie cries out, she has pooped—change poop diaper and attempt again to cuddle her down for nap.

3:47—Success! Gracie is asleep. Return to emails/blog.

4:23—Pick up toys in living room, clean up sandbox, and pick up toys in Gracie’s room.

4:39—Make tea on stovetop for Garren.

4:44—Fold laundry

4:52—Unload dishwasher

5:00—Gracie is up. Fruities for snack; finish tea.

5:05—Try to get Gracie to potty again, no success.

5:20—Start 2nd pot of tea, go to fisher Price.com so Gracie can play Shapes game. Sack up bathroom trash, put away folded laundry. Re-make up bed.

5:31—Start Franklin video for Gracie so I can start on dinner.

6:20—Garren home, we can finally eat! Sweet & Sour chicken, rice and noodles--yum!

6:54—Clean up dishes from dinner, Garren plays with Gracie and her blocks.

7:00—Join Gracie and Garren and play with blocks. Family fun time together

7:45—Start Gracie’s bath, get pajamas ready; pick up the toys in her room.

7:50—Put Gracie in tub, Garren washes her while I clean up the blocks in the living room, gather more laundry, Swiffer kitchen, fix milk for bedtime. Vacuuming will have to wait—ran out of time!

8:02—Heat milk for Gracie’s “books & milk” time. Put Gracie in her pajamas

8:10—Books & Milk

8:21—Bedtime (really it is the time we put her in the crib—because she is difficult when it comes to sleeping and took such a late nap, its really more—“put Gracie in the crib and see how long she stays a wake time”)

8:22—Clean up milk cup, clean up bath toys and mop up water on bathroom floor, mop kitchen.

8:32—Take down second load of laundry for the day.

I stop writing things down after this point, but the rest of the evening consisted of laundry, folding laundry, retrieving binki 4-5 times, some computer time and rest time, and talking to Garren before heading to bed around 12midnight. We are late to bed, late to rise-ers! But, it works best for us. I did get the vacuuming done the next day for those of you who were worried :)

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