Dinner Picnic

Since Gracie and I had such a wonderful afternoon outside, and Garren wasn't going to be home for dinner--I thought "what about a picnic?" So, after playing some more ball after nap, and another visit to see the goats, I took Gracie to Subway. We got sandwiches and dined al fresco. (In French that means "on the tiny apartment deck.")
What a neat experience. Gracie thought it was great as she scarfed down 1/3 of my foot long sub, and only picked the cheese off of hers :) She had so much fun, that she convinced me to leave the deck door open, and she is currently running in and out and talking to the ceramic bunnies that are on the deck (they used to be on Lou's porch).
Anyway, I learned several interesting things during our dinner conversation. 1. Gracie loves Fruit Roll Ups. She got her first taste of one tonight, as it came in the Subway Kid's Pack. 2. We have an ocean in the back yard. I am not sure where it is, but she kept saying "Look momma, trees....Look momma ocean."
We are getting quite a bargain on our rent. Can you imagine how much ocean front property goes for these days!
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