Gracie Cavity

No Gracie doesn't have one, but I am afraid that my blog readers might.

I read a blog by another mother the other day, one that I know, but not real well (we went to H.S together, but she is younger)...anyway, she wrote something to the effect that she had distanced herself from other mothers who talked positively about their kids. She said she didn't need the stress in her life that women who brag about their kids bring. It got me to thinking.

Now, I shouldn't have to explain myself or apologize for my blog or what I write, after all they are my thoughts and feelings. But, after two years, I have slowly gotten fewer emails from friends (especially those that have kids), my blog hits have significantly decreased...etc. And I think that all of my gushing over Gracie may have contributed. Let me set a few things straight.

1. Just because I am a stay at home mom doesn't mean I am better than you. It also doesn't mean I have no other skills or that I sit around and eat bon-bons. It means that it was a choice I wanted to make to spend the first few years with my child. I wanted to take responsibility for her early education and upbringing. I do not think working mom's are terrible mothers, or that they have it easier. In fact, I think that working mom's are the real super-mom's. They can do it all. I envy their stamina. And for the record, I have a college degree and was an established television news producer before trading in my 12 hour days at the office for 24 hour days at home.

2. I have every right to be proud of and gush over my adorable toddler. She is a wonderful person and by far the greatest thing I have ever done. Just think, what a wonderful life each child could have if their parents trumpeted their accomplishments every chance they got.

3. Life in this house is NOT perfect. While I may focus on the positive when it comes to my blog...any one who has ever read more than 5 entries would know that my life is sometimes crazy, always hectic, and never boring. In fact I am now dealing with a toddler who hasn't had a nap, and got soaking wet while I playing at the "water table." I certainly don't think that I give the illusion that Gracie is the perfect child, but if I do--let me clear it up! She is not a perfect child. I love her more than anything, but she is a real handful!

4. The blog was created, first, because we are 2 and a half hours from the nearest relative. We have family and close friends that span from Chicago to Lynchburg to the Tri Cities to Knoxville and Nashville, Georgia, Ohio and Virginia. The blog was created to let them see how Gracie was growing. This technology wasn't even a dream when I was a kid, or maybe my grandparents could have kept up with how I was doing a little better. Secondly, I keep this blog as a journal. Gracie won't always be a baby, and someday I may not be around to tell her how much I loved her. What a wonderful way to show your child how much they meant to you by writing down their accomplishments and sharing pictures of their firsts. Even without the blog, Gracie will always know she is loved, but now their is a permanent record for all those times she may forget.

This concludes my tirade. Just because I do things differently doesn't mean they are wrong. Mothers have to stop this battle they have with each other over who's child is better, smarter, etc. Its pointless, your child will never be able to compare to another's, and they shouldn't have to. Stop distancing yourself from other mom's or other women just because they are proud of their child or children, aren't you proud of yours? And, lastly, don't judge me for staying at home, or telling friends and family what Gracie is doing now, or sharing some little bit of experience I have acquired. I am a good mom, I am a good person, and I can be a great friend.

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1 Response to "Gracie Cavity"

  1. Anonymous12:40 PM

    way to go! keep gushing about Gracie. I love every word and picture. Your a great mom with every right to be proud!


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