Gracie's First Bowling Trip

We took her to a family recreation facility here in Strasburg, where smoking is banned. She couldn't wait until the ball hit the pins, and then she would yell "crash!!!!" We were a little disapointed that the balls were too heavy for her to carry and drop a few feet, but she had fun anyway counting down so mommy and dadd could throw the balls. She would get to excited and count "one, three, go!!!" I think we embarassed her a little. If I missed the "spare" as they call it, and didn't hit any pins, Gracie would look at me with this disapointed face. When the pins did go "crash!!!" though, she would jump and clap as if she had won the lottery.
She was too cute though at the bowling alley. I got several pictures and I am adding this video for those of you who can view it. Our family had a great time!
More bowling pictures are in the March Snapfish folder.
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