Life's Not Fair!

Gracie's view of the day.
This morning mommy went to the gym, but it seemed like she was gone forever! I screamed, and screamed for 15 minutes, but she didn't come back when I wanted her to.
I didn't want to take a nap today, but mommy made me anyway. I fussed and kicked, but she still made me lay still. She didn't win, my eyes just fell shut.
After nap, mommy put my binki up. I wanted my binki sooo bad, and I screamed for 5 minutes and pulled on the refrigerator, but mommy wouldn't give me my binki back. I went in to my room to pout, and I wanted to stay angry, but my blocks made me play.
Mommy gave me a bath this afternoon, and I wanted to stay in the tub. It had only been 20 minutes and I wasn't that pruny! I kicked and screamed while she got me dressed, but she didn't put me back in the water. I was going to stay mad longer but mommy cheated and rubbed lotion on my tickle spot under my chin! I wanted to stay mad!
Tonight we got to go shopping for groceries, I wanted to run around the neat store, but Daddy wouldn't let me. I had to sit in the cart, and when Daddy let me down while Mommy put the groceries on the moving table, I got in trouble for running on the shiny floor. I whimpered and fussed when Daddy put me in the cart again, because he wouldn't let me run. I wanted to hear my shoes as they flop on the floor!
At dinner, mommy and daddy tricked me and said broccoli was little trees. So I tried it and liked it, but I know that I am probably not supposed to like it. Then, mommy took a picture. She said she would show me the picture when I am 6 to prove that I did try it and like it!
During books and milk, I wanted juice--not milk! I screamed "JUICY! JUICY!" Mommy brought me the juice, but told me I wasn't aloud to scream for things I wanted. But, I like to scream!
Tonight, I didn't want to go to bed, but I decided that it wasn't worth fussing over. All the fussing I did today wore me out, and so I just laid down and rested. And, that's not fair, I wanted to stay up real late!
Wow, it sounds like you had a really rough day handling Mommy and Daddy yesterday. Maybe today they will cooperate better. Good luck! Don't forget, you can always call Grandpa and Grandma.