It's Really Getting Hot!

It has been hot here all week--but this is getting ridiculous! It got up to at least 86 today, I know because mom has one of those thermometers in her car.

I have been looking for some new clothes to replace the ones I have had since! So, I drug mom and Gracie to the mall this morning...that's after I hit a few yard sales (yes, I too am having a good time!) I found some good deals. And, as per our usual routine, mommy gets to go out in the mornings and Gracie gets to stay outside all afternoon.

Grandma brought up the baby pool and put it on the deck and we filled it with warm water. Gracie played and splashed and had a fantastic time. She even sat in the water, but she wanted to sit in the chair like she did earlier in the week when playing with the sprinkler. Now, as her mother I wouldn't have let her have the chair, I would have told her to sit in the water like she was. But, that's the difference in parents and grandparents. I am sure you can see from the picture above that she got her way. She looks pretty comfortable huh!

Gracie spent several hours splashing around in the pool before we got some dinner. The neighbors were grilling out, so we ended up sending Grandpa to Hardee's for some of those huge burgers because Grandma got a craving.

All in all it was a fun, but VERY hot day. I think we are in for a rough summer!

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