Mother's Day Tea Party

Gracie and I had a wonderful afternoon as we hosted another tea party for the ladies and their daughters from our building .
We had a delicious strawberry cake and fresh strawberries, as well as strawberry cool-aid...catching the theme yet?!
I wanted to make something special for each of the mom's, so, I had each daughter put her handprints on some fabric hearts I made. They looked really cute, and were intended to hang on our apartment doors like you would a wreath.
Anyway, the girls had a great time playing and we mother's enjoyed what is becoming our monthly chat. Its nice to talk and let the girls play together. They are each only children, so I am sure they enjoy getting together as much as we do!

**Top Picture is of Mallory and Gracie having their own pretend Princess Tea Party, Bottom picture is of the fabric heart decorations I made, this one is Gracie's**
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