We Love Books!

Yesterday I spent Gracie's naptime cataloging her books. I know, I know...but any of you who have ever worked with me know I actually enjoy doing things like that. Anyway, as I saw just how many there were I smiled and remembered what a treasure books were to me.

This will always be a reading household. I grew up in a house with books. Instead of being rewarded with money or candy for good grades and deeds, I was given another book, something I always looked forward too (I was a big fan of The Babysitter Club Books!).

I promised myself that reading would be reinforced with my children, and I really hope that they will develop the same love for reading I had.

It actually took several hours to write down all of her books and type them in. I even went downstairs to our storage unit and wrote down the books she had out grown and the books she is too young for (which were in 4 boxes!)

Anyway, I didn't do all of this to flaunt Gracie's things. After all, mom has given her tons that she collected or got from the book fair, and I buy them for dimes and quarters from the second hand store...and now I have my own Scholastic "dealer" (Thanks Candice!). I did it to make it easier when I look for new books, so as not to duplicate, or when mom wants to buy her more, she will remember what she has already given her.

The books have really paid off, Gracie asks for "Storytime" at least 3-5 times a day and many more times I find her in a pile of books in her room "reading." Of course books are only half of the equasion, you have to take time to read to your child, which for me is my favorite times of the day!

Since we have read so many books, I am linking Gracie's book list to this entry so you can see them, and if you are interested in a book maybe we can review it for you or help you find a good one for your child or niece or nephew, etc.

Gracie has her favorites too. At Age 2 Gracie loves: "Don't Wake The Baby," by Dawn Apperly and "Llama, Llama, Red Pajama." Both are books we got from the library and I am currently looking to purchase (if I can find them!). Gracie loves Little Critter books, and of course Clifford. Some other favorites: "The Zoo Book," "The Big Hungry Bear (and the red ripe strawberry)," and "The Little Engine That Could."

Some books no infant should ever be with out: "Guess How Much I Love You," "Runaway Bunny," "Good Night Moon," and "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." Gracie adored all of these when she was very young.

If you are looking for a good laugh, Garren and I would encourage you to get two of our favorites: "Click, Clack, Moo: Cows The Type," and "Giggle, Giggle, Quack," both by Doreen Cronin. She also wrote "Duck For President." All three are sure to make you roll with laughter!

So, what's your favorite childhood book. Tell us so we can share it! Even if we have already read your book, let us know and we will dust it off and remember why it is such a good book! Put your favorite childhood book in the comments section. We look forward to seeing what you love!

**Picture is from this weekend at Grandma 7 Grandpa's House, Gracie is reading a Strawberry Shortcake Book***

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4 Responses to "We Love Books!"

  1. Gracie, we read one of mommy's favorite books tonight..."We Like Kindergarten." Another one of Mommy's favorite books was "The Country Bunny And The Little Golden Shoes." We will have to read that one when you are a little older.

  2. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Gracie, we read one of Daddy's favorite books tonight too! "The Monster At The End Of The Book," with Grover. I am glad I got to read it to you and make you laugh.

  3. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Gracie, I always loved any book with animals. I hope someday you will read Because of Winn Dixie and then watch the movie. I just read it to my class, and they loved it! The movie is great too, but the book is much better.

  4. Anonymous11:18 PM

    One of my favorite books when I was a child was Little Black Sambo. I could just imagine the tiger running so fast around & around that he melted . . . . Ha! Ha! Another one had to do with elves and shoes, but I can't remember the name of it.

    Also going "down memory lane" again, I can remember loving the Bobbsey Twin books & Toby Tyler (a young boy running away to join the circus) & Beautiful Joe (about a dog). As I got older, I liked Heidi and Little Women.

    Continue to Enjoy Your Reading


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