Busy Friday

Well, I did mention something about adventures didn't I!

Mariah came over this morning and the girls had a wonderful time re-acquainting and playing tea party and waitress all over again. I had run and errand for mom, and when I returned to the house I found that the neighborhood was playing chase with 3 dogs. I don't know whose dogs they were, but they had all the neighbors calling each other and children chasing them. It was quite a ruckus! Then, the girls were hungry (me too!), so I headed out to get lunch where I was stuck in traffic every 10 minutes behind groups of 10+ bikers. What a morning!

After the girls ate, my Aunt Dawn came up from Rocky Mount, VA with her 18 month old son-Paul. Gracie was not thrilled with the addition of a new baby, as he seemed to get a lot of attention--even from me. I was able to appease the green-eyed monster with a splash in the pool. Actually, Mariah, Gracie, Dawn, Paul and I all got in the water. Boy is that little Paul a dare-devil! That child put his head under the water and everything.

I was hoping that Gracie would take more to the water than she has. I mean she loves it, but most of the time she clings to me and doesn't like to get her ears wet. Her face and hair can get wet--just not her ears!

Anyway, we had invited mom's neighbor over earlier in the week to take photographs of Mariah and Gracie since it seems we never have enough time to get them to Walmart (they don't have a JC Penny studio in Lynchburg). Jonathan is an amateur photographer, but he did an excellent job, although he was presented with quite a challenge as Gracie did not want to stand still or smile for him! We were finally able to get her to smile after calling out her new favorite word, the one she made up on Tuesday--"mackie-bean!" Gracie truly did get my imagination and creativity.

After the photo session we got some dinner, and the girls again watched some of the Good Night Show (a definite reason to get satellite TV!!!), and shared some quiet time together before Mariah had to return home.

***Above, is what I think was the best shot that Jonathan got of Gracie and Mariah. You can see his other pictures here.***

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